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Best Ravenswatch Class

Ranking Ravenswatch Classes

Not all heroes are created equal and just like every other game with class based characters, this list will likely vary based on your play style. Ravenswatch is also available in up to four player co-op, but we only played in solo and since progress sticks with each hero, you want to make sure to maximize your time with the right one. Here are the solo rankings of the Ravenswatch four starting classes.

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4 - Snow Queen

Snow Queen is most similar to the Wizard. Her main attack is throwing shards of ice and this is where her main issues stem. The main attack should be a solid base but it’s too slow and not strong enough. Two of her other abilities involve creating ice paths and ice caltrops to slow and chill enemies making them more vulnerable to other attacks. It’s possible that with the right execution in the right hands, the snow queen could be strong. With the main form of defence in Ravenswatch being avoidance, these abilities require you to get in close and render them less than ideal

3 - Pied Piper

The Pied Piper is most similar to the Necromancer but instead of an army of Skeltons, you get an army of rats that spawn at regular intervals with up to 20 at once. They aren’t as strong as skeletons but with the right upgrades, these rats can do more damage and also explode on death making for a pretty formidable army of rodents. Most of the pipers other abilities involve sending damaging notes from a distance and with the right combination using your flute from a distance and your army of rats damaging up close, smaller mobs can be dealt with quickly. With the right upgrade the Pied Piper could easily move up on the list.

if you want to see our top 5 tips for starting Ravenswatch click here

2 - Beowulf

Beowulf is basically a barbarian meaning that he has a very strong primary melee attack and requires close combat. Beowulfs primary weapon is the sword which deals plenty of damage and then you have the ability to add in other barbarian classics including a whirlwind attack and a ground slam. Beowulf is easily the most accessible and easy to you use class as well as being the only starting class that has the ability to defend with his shield.

1 - Scarlet

Little Red Riding hood is a hybrid class with Demon Hunter traits with bombs and acrobatics during the day that evolve into the big bad wolf at night which is pretty close to a Barbarian. Not only is getting to change classes during the day/night cycle a lot more fun that other classes and essentially provides you with two different move sets with both versions being strong. During the day her bomb ability is solid to begin with and gets much better with upgrades. Scarlets dash attack is very powerful and when combined with up close daggers, enemies can be eliminated quickly. At night the werewolf has an amazing pounce ability with a good AoE that deals a lot of stagger and a very good blood thirsty ability that allows you to regen health by damaging enemies for a limited time.

If you want to see our Ravenswatch Early Access Review, Click Here