New Nintendo Console (When It Might Happen?)
New Nintendo Console (When It Might Happen?)
The Nintendo Switch is currently the companies second best selling system of all time, only behind the DS, which sold over 154 million units. There is no doubt that the Switch has an amazing library of games waiting for you to experience them. Arguably, the two best Zelda games in history along with the best Mario game in history and plenty of other options, no matter what you love on top of being a great machine for Indies.
However, the Nintendo Switch released in March 2017 and was built using some outdated hardware and despite this, still managed to focus on it’s strengths and for the most part, the limitations of the system haven’t been a factor.
The other part about releasing in 2017, means that we are now over six years since it released, which means that there is a successor around the corner.
When is the Super Switch or SwitchU or Switch 2 coming out?
Let’s look at the history of Nintendo's home console releases in North America to see when a new system would be likely. The NES came out in October 1985, SNES September 1991, N64 September 1996, GameCube November 2001, Wii November 2006, WiiU November 2012 and the Switch came out in March 2017.
This means the average time before Nintendo released a new console was 62.83 months. The Switch is already at 76 and counting and it’s safe to assume that 2023 is off the table with the earliest launch for a successor being April 2024. Nintendo has confirmed at an earnings call that a new system wouldn’t be released in the current Fiscal Year, which ends March 31, 2024.
This would be 85 months which is almost two years longer than the average and even when you look at Nintendo’s best selling system ever, The DS, it was on the market for 76 months before the 3DS released. With this information, I would expect that we will see the Nintendo Switch 2 in mid to late 2024.