The First 48 Review

Hello all,

We love doing our 21 Question Review, but felt like some games could have used a different approach. I would like to introduce you to our second format for reviewing a game, The First 48. The idea comes from the television show The First 48, which is based on missing persons and the theory is basically if the detectives don’t find a lead within the first 48 hours, the chances of solving the case are cut in half. I don’t know if there is any actual data behind this theory and personally, I have never seen a single episode of the show but I think the premise does apply to reviewing games quite well.

In the first 48 minutes of a game, you should be able to know enough about the visuals of the game, the story, the mechanics, the gameplay loop and many other things. Even better, within the first 48 hours, you will know if the game has done enough to get its hooks into you whether or not you are going to come back, because we both know that if we don’t return or want to return to the game in the first two days, we likely aren’t coming back after that

Everyone leads busy lives and we can help you figure out if a game is going to click with you or abandoned after 48 minutes then hopefully you can save some money and you can spend more time doing what you love.