Metal Slug Tactics Release Window

Metal Slug Tactics is the first tactical RPG in the Metal Slug franchise that sees the franchise move away from the genre that it has known since inception. Metal Slug Tactics fuses together the spirit of the series with more tactical turn based strategy inspired by Into The Breach.

Metal Slug Tactics is also embracing roguelite elements while also staying true to the series roots. In both genres dying and retrying is embraced. Gain experience, level up and adapt. Choosing between 9 iconic characters, 36 different weapons, and 176 weapon mods across 110 handcrafted maps and 20 different mission types should lead to loads of variety and replayabiltiy. There is also new information that the soundtrack will be handled by Tee Lopes who has behind games like Shredders Revenge, Streets of Rage 4, and Sonic Mania.

Speaking with IGN, DotEmu CEO said “Into The Breach was of course a big inspiration. It’s smaller scale, it’s a bit quicker, there’s this arcade feel that goes along very nicely with Metal Slug. Into the Breach had very small missions with an end result in around 6 turns and you can expect a familiar structure with MST as missions will rarely take more than 9 turns to complete”

Where Into The Breach fell short was in the story department and this is one area that the team is excited about according to the CEO “it was one of the things that was really important for us. One really cool thing about the tactics genre is we have much more space to tell stories. Metal Slug has a huge background universe with a really cool story, but most fans don’t know because they don’t have space in the run and gun series”

We now have a more official release window of Fall 2024, but it’s also listed on Steam as Q4 2024. This means we can narrow down the release window even more. Q4 is October through December and Fall goes until December 21, which means that Metal Slug Tactics should be releasing between October 1 and December 21. The thing to take with a grain of salt is that this isn’t the first time we have been given a release window, so as excited as we are, we are still cautiously optimistic.