Mini Motorways Tips

Mini Motorways Tips

Don’t let Mini Motorways fool you! Although it may seem simple on the surface, once your city starts growing, things can get out of hand quickly. If you are just starting out here are the top five tips to help put you on the road to success and eliminate that Road Rage:

Keep Roads Separate

When things are easier at the star, keep your colors separate even if it means making longer roads. This will eliminate traffic altogether for a while until eventually you will have no choice but to blend. Doing this from the starts builds a foundation for success.


The game allows you to alter time by going faster or stopping everything with pause. What you might not know is that pause can be used for more than bathroom breaks. Use pause to focus on what needs to be done but also you can still add and remove tiles during pause.

Skip Roundabouts

When they work, roundabouts are great. Except there are so few places that will allow you to place one meaning that you wasted a weekly reward. If controlling traffic is the upgrade you need, go with the traffic lights as they can be placed pretty much everywhere.

Kirkland Bridge

Weekly reward tiles are random and sometimes you really need a bridge. If you aren’t able to get one, remember that expressways are basically a Kirkland Bridge. Not only can they cross water but they also cover a lot of ground and cars drive a lot faster on them.

Slow Lane

Rewards don’t need to be placed immediately! Don’t just put traffic lights down at an area that might be busy. Let the roads breathe, get busier and see where trouble areas appear. Same for new houses, they don’t need to be connected immediately.