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Rogue Legacy 2 Best Relics

One of best additions to Rogue Legacy 2 was the introduction of Relics. A risk/reward run based upgrade that can greatly improve your chances of success. However, not all relics are created equal and most relics use your resolve, which can greatly hinder your character at the same time, so here are the best five relics in Rogue Legacy 2.

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Best Relics In No Particular Order:

Ancestral Soul - Revive from death with 50% health - 0 resolve

Nothing special here, but coming back from the dead. just like Hyperion’s Ring, with very few options to cheat death, these are a must have.

Body Buffet - Enemies have 8% chances of dropping health - 35 resolve

My biggest issue with RL2 is how little health items there are, which is why I lean towards chef. With the body buffet relic, enemies have an 8% chance of dropping health and when some rooms are filled with mobs, you got some cooked chicken and pizza coming your way.

Demeter’s Trial - Next damage fatal. collect 2 food/potion to purify for 30 percent hp boost and 50 mana boost - 0 resolve

This is one of my favourite relics because it costs zero resolve because it is curse when you obtain it meaning that the next damage you take is fatal. However, if you can manage to purify it by collecting 2 health or potions you get a significant boost to health and mana for free. High risk but even higher reward.

Hyperions Ring - Revive from death with 50% HP - 55 resolve

With RL2 being a rogue-lite, this means you only get one shot, one opportunity, do not miss your chance to blow…however, there are a few ways to cheat death with one being Hyperions Ring. The resolve cost might be high but that is the cost for an extra life.

Icarus Wings Bargain - Jump is now flight but 100% more damage taken - 15 resolve

The farther in the game you get, the harder the platforming sections become. Even at the start there are some very tricky sections, but with this instead of jumping you take flight. The resolve cost is low, but the only downside is you take 100% more damage, which means you just have to be extra careful.

Honourable Mentions:

Voltaic Circlet - hitting an enemy creates a damage aura around you for 1.5 second - 35 resolve

Lachesis Measure - enemies defeated with critical restore 6% max health - 55 resolve

Serquets Stinger - applies one stack of poison - 55 resolve

Grave Bell - 25 % chance to avoid death blow - 35 resolve

Amaterasu's Sun - Burn Applied for 2 seconds - 55 resolve