Hollow Knight Anniversary (What It Means For Silksong)
Hollow Knight Anniversary (What It Means For Silksong)
Hollow Knight first released on Windows on February 24, 2017, which means that 2023 will be the six year anniversary of the Metroidvania that sent Team Cherry into the stratosphere. It was confirmed at the Xbox and Bethesda Summer Showcase on June 12, 2022 that every game shown at the event would be out within 12 months. At the beginning of 2023, Microsoft doubled down on this by showing a handful of games coming to Xbox in the first half of 2023 with Silksong being included alongside games like Starfield and Redfall.
Keep in mind, no one signed a contract in blood and delays happen all the time but we are nearing the final moments before Silksong finally gets released. The other thing to note is that Team Cherry does seem to have some type of affinity towards February as back on February 13, 2019, Silksong was first announced by Nintendo.
I still feel like Silksong will release much closer to June, closer to one year from the Xbox Showcase but When you combine Hollow Knights orignal release, the date of the Silksong reveal and Xbox press, it would certainly seem like we should get some official news about Silksong from Team Cherry in the near future.
We also tried to predict how Silksong would be received based on the historical precedent between Metroidvanias and their sequel. Even though the sample size was small, as not many Metroidvania’s actually get a sequel, the results were still interesting. Be sure to check it out if you want to see what the odds of Silksong being better than Hollow Knight.