Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Steam Deck Performance Review

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Steam Deck Performance Review

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 released on the PS5 back in September 2023 to an astounding 97% on OpenCritic. Thanks to the help of Nixxes, who also did some fantastic work on 2024 Horizon Zero Dawn Remake, Spider-Man 2 is releasing on PC, but there are two important things to discuss.

The first is that just a day before the release, via the PlayStation Blog was the news that you will no longer need to link your PlayStation account to your Steam account. There will be added incentive for those that want to, but this is a great step in the right direction for removing as many barriers as possible to attract the most possible players.

The other item is since Spider-Man 2 is now on Steam, the big question is how does it perform on the Steam Deck. Before being able to test the performance, you will need to have 110GB of free space and about 90GB to install.

Based on the minimum recommendations, you should at least be able to get 720p @ 30 FPS. The good news is that Spider-Man 2 is playable on the Steam Deck with the settings on low and with FSR on. The bad news is that it isn’t the best version, however the gameplay is able to mostly maintain a frame rate in the mid to low 30’s with minimal drops, unfortunately during some of the cutscenes character models are a little jarring and there is a fair amount of texture pop-in.

Are there better ways to play Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? Yes. Although Spider-Man 2 is playable on the Steam Deck, it is definitively the worst way to play that game, but the silver lining is that it’s playable on Steam Deck and doesn’t require linking a PSN account.