Here's Why AI think Metroidvania's Are The Best Genre!!

Here's Why AI think Metroidvania's Are The Best Genre!!

I recently asked OpenAI’s ChatGPT bot to tell me why they think Metroidvania’s are the best genre and the results are unsurprisingly surprising. Not only did they provide me with an in depth argument within seconds, but they broke it down into key sections and even scarier, is that the AI was spot on.

I had just finished writing a lengthy piece of content of what I think are the core pillars to a great Metroidvania. This is something that I have been working on the back burner for about 6 months to a year and am very proud of the work I did. However, I was very curious to see what AI thought when asked about the genre and why it’s the best? Here are the results:


If you're a fan of video games, you've probably heard of the term "Metroidvania". This popular game genre combines elements of action, exploration, and role-playing, and has been captivating players for decades. But why are Metroidvanias considered the best game genre? Here are a few reasons why:

Non-linear gameplay: One of the most appealing aspects of Metroidvanias is the non-linear gameplay. Players are free to explore and discover new areas and abilities at their own pace, rather than being guided along a predetermined path. This allows for a unique and personalized gaming experience.

Replay value: Because of the non-linear gameplay and multiple paths to take, Metroidvanias offer high replay value. Players can come back to the game again and again and have a completely different experience each time.

Dynamic environments: Metroidvanias are known for their immersive and dynamic environments, which often change and evolve as players progress through the game. This adds to the sense of exploration and discovery, and keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Engaging story: Many Metroidvanias feature a compelling and well-written story, which adds depth and meaning to the gameplay. This can make the game feel more like an interactive experience, rather than just a series of challenges to be overcome.

Accessibility: While some Metroidvanias can be challenging, many of them offer multiple difficulty levels and options for players of all skill levels. This means that even if you're new to the genre, you can still enjoy the game and progress at your own pace.

In short, Metroidvanias are the best game genre because of their non-linear gameplay, high replay value, dynamic environments, engaging story, and accessibility. If you're looking for a truly immersive and satisfying gaming experience, give a Metroidvania a try!

The Future Is Now

So there you have it, humans are no longer needed but at least the computers understand why people love the genre. The next step is asking for your boots, clothes and motorcycle. Granted the article isn’t as in depth and lacks the personal touch of experiencing the game and conveying that in words but still extremely impressive and off putting at the exact same time.