Indie Games 2023 - Top 5 Metroidvania's

Metroidvania 2023: Top 5 To Watch

2023 looks to be an amazing year for Metroidvania’s and here are our top five choices.

If you want to see our Top 6 Adventure and Platformers to watch in 2023 check here

Hollow Knight: Silksong

What can be said about Silksong that hasn’t already been said. The general consensus is that Silksong is not only one of the most anticipated Metroidvania’s possibly ever, which is already a daunting feat, but it’s arguably the most anticipated game for 2023 with a few others on the shortlist includes Starfield and Tears of The Kingdom. That is an elite list to be on for a small indie developed by a handful of people about a game set in a subterranean insect world.

The only concern is that most people are resistant to change and Silksong is looking to iterate on the formula in plenty of ways that might make it feel too different from the original and the history of debut Metroidvania’s and their sequel back that theory up.


Mongoose Rodeo’s debut title does not look like a brand new studio’s first game. Instead it looks like a AAA Metroidvania worked on by a huge studio with a huge budget. Mongoose Rodeo did what most indie games do and went the kickstarter path but the big difference is that instead of trying to start on kickstarter from scratch, the team arrived with a strong foundation of a finished game.

Many of the core aspects of the game were completed before heading into funding and explains why the team was able to gather over 1.2 million towards finishing the game that has the hand drawn art and tight controls of Hollow Knight, the atmosphere of Bloodborne, the stylized combat of DMC and the platforming of Donkey Kong Country. From the reaction of the demo that Mongoose Rodeo have released the reception has been overwhelmingly positive.

The Last Case of Benedict Fox

Our personal choice for most anticipated Metroidvania of 2023 is the debut title from Plot Twist. All the other games on this list look amazing, but the two main reasons that Fox appeals to us the most is the story first approach and the theme of the game. You play as Benedict Fox, a self proclaimed detective who was paired with a demonic companion at birth. This gift and curse allows Fox to enter into the minds of the deceased to help solve the mystery. This occult mystery thriller seems like a very original take on the genre and the moving between dimensions will hopefully lead to some incredible aha puzzle moments.

Benedict Fox first started out as a story, then headed towards a comic series before finally pivoting to the game that we now know.


If there is one game on this list that seems like a dark horse to surprise people, it’s Elypse from Hot Chili Games. The company and game only have around 800 followers on Twitter and the studio itself is only around half a dozen members. According to the devs is inspired by Ori, Celeste, Dark souls and yes, Hollow Knight but have stated that the team worked very hard to make the game feel original.

In early December the team stated that they are shooting for Q1 2023. From the minimal trailers we have seen, everything looks like a darker Ori and when asking other devs how the game feels publicly, the developers of Season commented that Elypse feels both “satisfying and magical” which certainly sounds like Ori.

The Last Faith

Its becoming refreshing when there is no clear Hollow Knight influence on a new Metroidvania. The Last Faith looks to be taking a much more retro approach with its 16 bit visuals, visceral combat and Bloodborne-esque theme with a city being corrupted by disease along with a distance weapon.

Initially targeted for 2022, in late November, The Last Faith was delayed into 2023. If there is one thing in the trailer that stands out, it’s the brutally graphic combat and executions. Some of the goals that the team passed on kickstarter included pixel animated cinematic scenes and English voice acting. The Last Faith looks to be what Castlevania could have evolved into in a alternate universe.

If you want to see our Top 6 Adventure and Platformers to watch in 2023 check here